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Hot I Run On Caffeine Pitbull Hair And Cuss Words Shirt

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Than a day. It's so upsetting to watch this happen and feel like I can do NOTHING about it. I voted and did what I'm supposed to, I saw my candidate win, and it doesn't matter. Trump is talking about stealing the election and there are real avenues he could take to do it that would require external intervention to stop it. How do we come back from this? This article is creating unnecessary anxiety here on Reddit, just as it's creating false hope for Trump supporters. It is true that the Constitution gives sole authority to state legislatures to decide the "manner" by which electors are chosen, but the Constitution also set deadline (first Tuesday a November). buy it:  Hot I Run On Caffeine Pitbull Hair And Cuss Words Shirt

Good I'm A Simple Man I Like Pretty Dark Haired Women And Breakfast Food Shirt

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Is shifting slowly towards more a socialist state of society. This man, this powerful, yet idiotic man thinks that our country exists to serve his needs. This man is completely ignorant of what America stands for and how it was created. This man, this DANGEROUS man, is willing to destroy everything to stay in power. I dont understand how this is happening. Like it's crazy how desensitized we are to this stuff, but the president of the united states is trying to throw out an election and just declare himself the winner. If this is true, he needs to be removed NOW, not in two months. We treat this stuff like it's normal now. No specific story hangs around more. buy it:  Good I'm A Simple Man I Like Pretty Dark Haired Women And Breakfast Food Shirt

Nice Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh And Here's A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt

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Subvert the process enough to sneak in a shitload of party moles who'd vote for him. And also, most of the states that allow faithless electors are ones he already won. There is no grand strategy at play, according to interviews with a half-dozen advisers and people close to the president. Mr. Trump is simply trying to survive from one news cycle to the next, seeing how far he can push his case against his defeat and ensure the continued support of his Republican base. Republicans will never vote to get rid of the EC. Why? Because they know they'll lose a good chunk, if not the majority of their party if every individual vote mattered as the country as whole. buy it:  Nice Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh And Here's A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt

Perfect Shower The People You Love With Love James Taylor Shirt

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Trump would literally wipe his ass with the Constitution if he thought it would help. Of course he did. And of course he didn't already know state law already prescribes how each state will seat electors. Basic things anyone with a passing familiarity with our electoral system knows are not known to IMPOTUS. And yet conservatives somehow complain that Obama didn't understand the constitution. Lot of people here don't understand how the EC works. In some states, they don't have to vote for the person who won the vote (so-called "faithless electors"). However, the electors are chosen by the party who won the vote. It's highly unlikely that Trump could somehows. buy it:  Perfect Shower The People You Love With Love James Taylor Shirt

Pretty The Peanuts Bufalo Bills Shirt

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Sident-elect. That includes Germany and the UK along with others who have called to congratulate Biden. Exceptions being North Korea, Russia, and China. Interesting group of unbelievers. The stock market would dive deep into an ultra-depression overnight. Millions of Americans on the streets and marching to D.C. He has no chance of doing this and getting away with it. To all the folks who believe he would not actually do it and he is just flailing. Wake up this is exactly what he is trying to do. He only cares about himself. Our nation its institutions it’s people even his rabid mob are of little to no use to him unless he can bend their will to his needs as. buy it:  Pretty The Peanuts Bufalo Bills Shirt

Good Yes I'm Spoiled It's My Girlfriend's Fault Because She Treats Me Like A King Shirt

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Of any electors and the legislature is not allowed to just pick any electors, but in fact electors that are selected by the Biden campaign as alternates. There is no confusion or debate over who won Pennsylvania (which most of these faithless elector scenarios rely almost entirely upon). Basically, if Pennsylvania Republicans attempt to do this, they will be doing so in flagrant violation of the Constitution and the House of Representatives can contest their votes until January 21st, at which point Nancy Pelosi would become the President until Congress settled the dispute. Massive civil unrest. Sanctions from our allies who are already calling Biden the pres. buy it:  Good Yes I'm Spoiled It's My Girlfriend's Fault Because She Treats Me Like A King Shirt

Premium Wine It Let's Have A Bourbon Shirt

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Of electors that since they come from the executive branch, beats out the slate of legislative electors under current legal precedent. Congress actually already addressed this issue. It's called the Electoral Count Act. There is no legal mechanism by which Conservative legislatures can appoint their own electors this year (they would've had to change the law before the day of the election). This is especially the case in PA where the legislature is already bound to send electoral college representatives based on the popular vote (which they're also bound to do by the Constitution). Furthermore, the Governor of PA would have to sign off on the authorization a. buy it:  Premium Wine It Let's Have A Bourbon Shirt

Hot A Woman Cannot Survive On Coffee Alone She Also Needs A Pug Shirt

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Attention to him and gives his fight more energy when the media tries to present 'both sides'. Instead it's better to just ignore him and put pressure on the asswipe Republicans that are enabling his authoritarian behavior. Unfortunately the Constitution does not address whether electors are bound by popular vote, and there is precedent for setting aside the will of the people ( see Hawaii, Nixon). That being said, some 17+ states have laws that prohibit it. And in the key states, even if the state legislatures does the extreme and certifies its own set of pro-Trump electors, these key states have Democratic governors that can simply certify a separate slate. buy it:  Hot A Woman Cannot Survive On Coffee Alone She Also Needs A Pug Shirt

Nice Educated Vaccinated Caffeinated Dedicated Shirt

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Each state meet and choose a president. It wasn’t until later that states started letting citizens (white males) vote on how their EC votes would be cast. European here. Why the hell are you in the US not screaming from the top of your lungs?? This is the president not accepting the election and talking about a coup! Why are you not shouting TRAITORS!! to the GOP and all the republican enablers? Why are you all so soft?? Trumps plan to seize the Presidency is not going to work. Trump says crazy shit every day but if you take everything seriously you can expend a lot of energy and accomplish nothing. Fighting Trump directly on his coup attempt just draws more. buy it:  Nice Educated Vaccinated Caffeinated Dedicated Shirt

Official Never Underestiate An Old Man With A Jee Shirt

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Disastrous foreign policy mistake in American history. The public re-elected Bush. That’s kind of a myth. It was designed to give the slaveholding states the electoral impact of the slaves that lived there without having to do something crazy like letting the slaves vote. It was put in place because the slaveholding states were significantly less populated than the free states. The impact of this is that nearly all of our early presidents were from the slave owning state of Virginia because it had the most electoral votes. Really it’s a little of both I suppose. It also wasn’t even designed to be reflective of any state vote. It was designed to have elite of. buy it:  Official Never Underestiate An Old Man With A Jee Shirt

Funny Drew Love Never Dies Shirt

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Have impeached him, removed him from office, and advocated executing him on the Mall in Washington. Trump says this and the GOP says nothing. Hypocrites, racists, fascists from top to bottom. If they can ratfuck a victory as decisive as Biden's this year, how would they ever lose again? Not only would they have the template and precedent for invalidating elections, but they would have another 4 years of control to erode more institutions and Infrastructure that prevent a totalitarian dictatorship. No, it wouldn't. The GOP supported George W. Bush in 2003 who invaded Iraq on false pretenses, and then spent well over 1 Trillion in what turned out to be the mos. buy it:  Funny Drew Love Never Dies Shirt

Happy Cobra Kai 2018 2021 03 Seasons 30 Episodes Signatures Shirt

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Amount of certainty. It’s like he’s pitted my logic and good sense against my gut feeling of dread, and I just want him to go away. Let’s take a moment and stop and realize that something as anti-democratic as this is actually possible is another data point in how flawed and dysfunctional our system is. If he thinks he what he saw across the country during BLM was bad and he wanted law and order, imagine how bad it could be if he tries to circumvent the democracy that people were celebrating in the streets last week. All those same people, plus more maybe, will be back out and it will be a totally different tone .If Obama had spoken this out loud the GOP wou. buy it:  Happy Cobra Kai 2018 2021 03 Seasons 30 Episodes Signatures Shirt

Top I Tried To Retire But Now I Work For My Wife Shirt

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Given complaint is too small to change the outcome.” Then I hear reports like this, which still feels like a long shot since the number of electors he’d need to pull it off would be significant. But he’s still putting it on the table, which gives me a sense of dread. The DOJ authorized investigations into voter fraud. On one hand, they still need to be legitimate cases of fraud; on the other hand, the fact that the DOJ did that is enough to sow confusion and doubt. It’s super nerve wracking just to know the holder of the highest office in the land is even exploring such options. If 2020 tells us anything, it’s that we can’t predict what might happen with any. buy it:  Top I Tried To Retire But Now I Work For My Wife Shirt

Awesome I Don't Need Therapy To Play Bingo Shirt

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As a country if this man can continue to try to manipulate the system for his feelings. When did the embarrassment of a 74 year old idiot outweigh the security of our nation? I'd like to thank everyone who ridiculed me for calling this trud a wanna be facist dictator for the past few years and for calling all his supporters either knowingly or unwittingly supporting Facism. This is why I keep vacillating back and forth between feeling pretty confident and feeling anxious. Sometimes I’m like, “His legal challenges don’t have legitimacy and keep getting thrown out, so they likely won’t sway the election. Especially since the number of contested ballots in anys. buy it:  Awesome I Don't Need Therapy To Play Bingo Shirt

Original Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Moto Guzzi Shirt

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Are discussing, is that the Trump supporters who have been rallying and driving around with flags for years now, are not rebels. The craziest thing about America right now that few people are discussing, is that the Trump supporters who have been rallying and driving around with flags for years now, are not rebels. Hypocritical fucks. All their Kock-money think tanks are grinding away right now trying to barf up a never ending stream of "scandals" to be "shocked" about to block all the necessary legislation coming up in the next four years. Such a pathetically obvious garbage factory, our GOP. This isn’t enough to fucking 25th amendment him? Where are we ats. buy it:  Original Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Moto Guzzi Shirt

Premium God Gave Us Music That We Might Pray Without Words Shirt

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Adequately explain why. Or I just don't understand their reasons. Also top military officer just came out and said we don’t serve a king. Biden’s going to probably resonate a lot more with the military brass. They have probably known him their whole career and his son was one of them. The privates who are stupidly on trumps sick doesn’t matter when the people with the brains make decisions. Is it me or does this all start to look like an adult episode of Scooby-Doo? The hilariously convulted over the top plan to steal an election. Foiled by the meddling media the US constitution and a fair election. The craziest thing about America right now that few peoples. buy it:  Premium God Gave Us Music That We Might Pray Without Words Shirt

Pretty Jesus Had A Fish Story Shirt

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Are surprising. Same here. It worries me far more than him supplanting top officials of various departments. This is the only way I could see him maintaining power come Jan 20th, and I don't know enough about it to know whether it's a legitimate worry or how legitimate of a worry it is. I will say I have some solace in two AMAs that were done recently, one by lawyers (several days back) and another by election officials (a day or two ago?). IIRC, people asked on both AMAs about whether they should be worried that faithless electors could enable a successful coup, and the response was "no". They seem to be unfazed by this possibility. They did, however, not a. buy it:  Pretty Jesus Had A Fish Story Shirt

Perfect People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me We All Know It's Never Going To Happen Shirt

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Can tell you exactly why the GOP won’t contradict Trump. If they do, they will alienate his base who are so brainwashed that they believe the fraud allegations even without a shred of evidence. Each GOP member of congress knows that if they alienate his base then (1) he/she will lose their own next reelection in the primary to someone further to the right, and (2) the GOP will lose control of the Senate because GA Trump supporters won’t turn out for the runoff. The GOP are only motivated by power and are willing to compromise any principles (if they ever had any) in order to stay in power. Once you realize that, then none of their actions over a last 4 years. buy it:  Perfect People Should Seriously Stop Expecting Normal From Me We All Know It's Never Going To Happen Shirt

Happy I'm A Simple Man I Like Tractors And Boobies Shirt

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Some re-birthing of a "TEA party" horror.This can all be stopped at anytime by the GOP. I have no idea why they want to damage the USA so badly right now. The people have spoken, they want less trump, less GOP but they are acting like they have a divine right to disregard the election results. To be clear, the GOP is only in power because they had more votes last election. Now this election they have less votes but are somehow allowed to continue with unchallenged power? Can someone please convince me that this is going to end well? I feel like they are trying to steal this one from the people, and that it’s being looked at like “well it’s worth a shot eh? I. buy it:  Happy I'm A Simple Man I Like Tractors And Boobies Shirt

Funny In Memory Of February 18 2001 Dale Earnhardt Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Unemployment check is like $50 a week now without the PUA. I'm just setting the scene for you, because since the PUA ended, many people didn't have a choice but to go back to unsafe jobs that opened back up to "save our economy" because the government basically just left us all to fend for ourselves. And I'm saying this coming from a lower middle class family.. There are so many people in much worse circumstances than we are in right now. My GarbledDude, not only that, they will scream they were right about him until they die. They don't have the word "apology" in their culture. All that confused internal monologue is going to calcify into various diseases a. buy it:  Funny In Memory Of February 18 2001 Dale Earnhardt Thank You For The Memories Shirt

Premium Assuming I Am Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Cowboy Shirt

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We can't afford the childcare. Thankfully my husband works at a grocery store so he'll be "essential" no matter what closes down. Although they took away the hazard pay he was getting at the beginning of the pandemic, and now they won't pay you if you get covid and have to take time off, so I'm guessing people just aren't getting tested there now if they feel sick. I would rather him be safe than have to work there, but we need the insurance and we just bought a house, and we're barely scraping by with one paycheck. I was getting the pandemic unemployment assistance, but that stopped in July. And since I was on (unpaid) maternity leave a lot of last year, my. buy it:  Premium Assuming I Am Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Cowboy Shirt

Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Basketball Moonblood Shirt

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The very least to put him on what should have been a train of never-ending impeachments. Each trial would have said to the American people and the world: we see this lying snake and we will not take this treason lying down. Given what has happened, and given where we are, I think you’ll agree that one impeachment was a pretty pathetic response. I've had to be on a high dose of anxiety meds for the last year, and it basically just takes the edge off and helps me not hyperventilate at any given moment. And I'm lucky because I have health insurance to get that. Our deductible is insane, but we have it. I lost my job due to covid, and I can't get another because. buy it:  Hot Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Basketball Moonblood Shirt

Good Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Skiing And Was Born In November Shirt

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The only one yelling at the tv over this, right? How have his actions and comments, which with every passing day seem geared towards either a) dismantling a republic which has stood for over 200 years or b) lighting the match of a civil war, been politely accepted as part of the normal political discourse? In 2017 Trump called the press “the enemy of the people.” This is in violation of his presidential oath of office, where he swore to uphold and protect the constitution. You no longer have a free press if the word of the press is called lies (“fake news”) by the commander-in-chief. At this point in 2017 I feel it was a bipartisan obligation to remove, or a. buy it:  Good Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Loves Skiing And Was Born In November Shirt

Top Non Ho La Mia Moto Ma Ho Il Mio Motociclista Bakker And Visser Shirt

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Porters him should be ashamed or held accountable or both. I'm a Canadian who leans liberal, which means I probably don't even show up on the current American political spectrum. But if any leader who I had voted for had said even a fraction of what Trump has said over the past few years, I would demand their removal from office. This is what you'd hear from some tin pot dictator of some banana republic. This is an attack on the very underlying foundation of democracy, namely free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power. And just the hubris of it all, he's saying it's literally impossible that Americans could vote him out of office?? I can't be. buy it:  Top Non Ho La Mia Moto Ma Ho Il Mio Motociclista Bakker And Visser Shirt

Happy The Earth Is Art The Photographer Is Only A Witness Man Shirt

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Two weeks after Thanksgiving we'll see a massive spike. Which is just in time to start another massive spike after Christmas. By Inauguration day we will be in a horrific spot with COVID, just in time for the GOP to start calling it the "Biden Flu". Mark my words. And unless Dems get the Senate there is zero relief for average Americans coming. The GOP would see this country tear itself apart before helping the citizenry. He should be impeached again for this behavior. It's bonkers that he can claim fraud with no evidence, deny our constitutional transition of power, install loyalists, and you know, everything else he's very clearly guilty of. Anyone who sup. buy it:  Happy The Earth Is Art The Photographer Is Only A Witness Man Shirt

Good I Like Dogs And Penguins And Maybe 3 People Shirt

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To flip. Instead he wanted to punish Blue states for not voting for him. He is his own worst enemy. joE. Right. They didn't want to do it after bush/Gore. They didn't want to do it in '16. What do they have in common? Sure, Trump can dump the ex right now if he wants. Biden has 290 now and he has, what, 3+ then he had last week? That's fine. Go with the popular vote, then! Oh, that's right. Biden won that. He's cornered. He still thinks he has a chance? He's done from all angles. Does he qualify for the 25th yet? Oh, they'll never consider that, either. National security be damned. Should be at a minimum of 250k deaths by early December. That's ok, though./s. buy it:  Good I Like Dogs And Penguins And Maybe 3 People Shirt

Original Mickey Mouse Face Mask Social Diisneying Shirt

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Election! Create a virus in a different country, kill thousands of our own citizens, then infect the President who wont listen to experts to steal the election! It all makes sense! Shenanigans! I declare shenanigans!I just saw Joe Biden's speech today in Grand Rapids and My God that was a very very good speech especially as someone who comes from a family or working class people it touched on all the values I was raised with. Hardship, work as a source of dignity and pride and building a better life for your kids.Very glad he’s alright but 8 feet apart does not seem like enough for a 90. They’re gonna be breathing the same recycled air, and when you look ats. BUY IT:  Original Mickey Mouse Face Mask Social Diisneying Shirt

Pretty Bigfoot Saw Me But Nobody Believes Him Vintage Shirt

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How bad you know COVID is then coming out and lying to your base while others.tested  negative when she got on the plane. Began feeling ill and tested positive hours later. Those 15 min tests they use have a 20% false negative reading. Because they test viral load. That’s why it’s so dangerous.test negative and be infected with a rising viral load! Trumps getting schooled!All the people who said they were at debate or at the rally here in Minnesota, or at a fundraiser here in Minnesota this week, none of those tests really are that meaningful to me yet by saying they’re negative,” Osterholm said on CNBC’s  Lunch. Proof its all a Democrat conspiracy a win the. BUY IT:  Pretty Bigfoot Saw Me But Nobody Believes Him Vintage Shirt

Funny Crochet We’re A Perfect Match Valentine Shirt

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Him ending up contracting coronavirus which he very well may have already contracted before he made  comments. I believe he said something like 'He could be standing 200 feet away from you and he shows up wearing biggest mask I've ever seen'. Well I guess it just goes to show that social distancing and wearing a mask pays off so please take note of that everyone and stay safe We need a president that cares folks. I think this turn events shows it. He cares about himself and the safety of the people because that’s what a decent leader is supposed to do. Not throw around hoaxes and denounce science while shuddering in the corner behind.Closed doors talke about. BUY IT:  Funny Crochet We’re A Perfect Match Valentine Shirt

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Ground here because. We thought he was sinking. The timing, his history, ties to Putin and KGB tactics, social media manipulation, and that he is going to be broken in court and lose everything if he loses power. His situation is unique, and I’ve never heard of a man with as much justice waiting for him in my lifetime. From sex crimes,l murderevasion and tampering with witnesses. If you can and would manipulate an election, you can and would appearance of your condition too. He is playing a game of chess for his life and freedom, and he has decades of manipulation, and deception.I love the irony in Trump making fun of Biden about always wearing a and then so. BUY IT:  Hot Electrician What Doesn’t Kill You Only Makes You Stronger Except Electricity That Definitely Kills You Vintage Shirt

Awesome Cartoon Wizard Smoking Bong T-Shirt

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Disease expert here - be careful of . Misinformation about testing and misinterpreting these results. Testing negative today means nothing about his exposures from the debate. Setting aside the fact Biden’s test could be a false negative unlikely,possible, the window period for a PCR type test to become positive after an exposure can be as many as 10 days and can before or after symptoms develop. Anyone who says they know with 100% certainty what that window period is making up - this is still not fully known.I wouldn’t say this about any other candidate in history. He is different. I know sound nuts but this man is on a different level.I don’t want him gain. BUY IT:  Awesome Cartoon Wizard Smoking Bong T-Shirt

Good Schedule Planner Fueled by Coffee T-Shirt

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But I think the second part to it is that absolutely can. Allow himself to associate himself with adjectives that aren't positive. Not even in this context. So once he's arrived at "I tested...", the only sensible way to finish that sentence is to say "negative" and he didn forget that word - he just can't bring himself to say it when he's talking about himself.he cannot negative, because in his little brain that is a bad thing. testing negative for something is like getting low grades. it's beyond unbelievable! This is a grown man who cannot say that he tested negative! so he has to say that he  positive in the other sense of the word.Husband of an infectio. BUY IT:  Good Schedule Planner Fueled by Coffee T-Shirt

Top Yes Im Addicted Diamond Painting Shirt

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Also say stupid or awful things. But he does often screw his words personally. Relate to that since I do it all the time, so I don't mind it as much as others seem to. I think people really need to listen more to his speech patterns and take the time to listen and understand the context in which he's speaking before crucifying him for the things he says.I think that we need to critique his stupid, ideas more instead of his manner of speaking. It’s rambling and often disconnected, but at moments like this it’s clearly lucid (though stupid). Uniformly making fun of everything is misleading. Like you said, there’s still plenty of ammo if you leave those part ou. BUY IT:  Top Yes Im Addicted Diamond Painting Shirt

Nice Metal Dad Saying Rock Music Father Quote Gift T-Shirt

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Mind and the next word I came up with in the heat of the moment is 'positive' because that word . Can mean good and is also used in conjunction with tests. Of course, in this example it changes the meaning of my sentence altogether.Or I might want to say "the test results were good," but instead say "I tested..." and realize partway through that my sentence structure doesn't make sense anymore if I say "good" now. So I have to think of a new word, and being me, I frequently pick a less-than-stellar choice.So because I myself am terrible speaker (or as I prefer to say "I can't talk without a pen"), I can understand where Trump's from.That isn't to say he does. BUY IT:  Nice Metal Dad Saying Rock Music Father Quote Gift T-Shirt

Perfect Judge Me When You Re Perfect Otherwise Shut Up Shirt

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joke, as much as it evolved into  after he misspoke, but I do agree it's disingenuous to say he doesn't know the difference. It's clear he does, and that he just had the right words slip his mind mid-sentence.I personally do the same kind of thing all the time. I'll remember the general meaning of the word I'm looking for, but either  forget the actual word, or I'll have phrased the sentence such that the key word no longer fits. And in doing so, I rarely come across as a well spoken person lol.So using this quote as an example, I might think to say, "the test results were good."But instead I'll say, "The test results were positive" because "good" slipped my. BUY IT:  Perfect Judge Me When You Re Perfect Otherwise Shut Up Shirt

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YouTube for free every weekOliver was Jon Stewart's intended successor for a reason. Only reason he's on HBO is because Viacom was stupid and didn't get. A contract signed before HBO swooped in and made an offer. if you watch the video of him saying this, he isn't being jokey. He misspeaks constantly, and then tries to correct it by making it seem like he was being jokey. He's always saying the wrong word, then adding "and" or "but" in order to make it sensible. He's Michael Scott from 'The Office,' where he starts a sentence not really knowing where it's going to end, so just makes stuff up along the way. Zero foresight.I don't know that it started off as a. BUY IT:  Best Wonder Mother Breast Cancer Awareness Shirt

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To bat for him, hard) and has been doing a damn fine job in his own right once he found his feet. But Viacom has hamstrung him by making it very difficult for anyone  to watch. Trevor's the only black late night host at the moment (and the second youngest), so you'd think he might more attention during the days of the BLM movement.In a lot of ways it was really a benefit to all of us that Oliver got picked up by HBO because he's done significantly more with them than he'd ever have been able to do under Viacom's mismanagement. You can bet his segments wouldn't be nearly as well researched, they'd be broken up by ad breaks, and Viacom would never let them ont. BUY IT:  Original Wonder Woman Breast Cancer Just Because It Gonna Die Get Up And Try Shirt

Premium Tractor Are My Valentine Shirt

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Biden would have been exposed less than 2 days ago. I don't think we can breathe a collective sigh of reliefjust yet.I had a Trump supporter say to me on Tuesday, thinking it was an insult to Biden voters the. Debate wouldn't change anyone's mind and that if Biden took a shit on stage, his supporters would still vote for him.Actually, people with an ounce of FORESIGHT have been predicting this for a while, especially warning signs like Herman Cain catching the virus at a Trump rally and fucking dying from it. That's what we like to call a clue to what might happen in the future.Which is in no way meant to undermine Trevor Noah, who Stewart second choice went. BUY IT:  Premium Tractor Are My Valentine Shirt

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Well, Northern Ireland too, but  don’t mind as long as someone pours their drink...which, basically, makes welsh and scots the slaves of English.In an alternate timeline Trump cancels the debate due to a potential exposure, The Hope story. Breaks as well as the Domino's of infections. And Trump has at least a smidgen of the appearance of decency, but now he's just reinforced the negativities that are said about him and his personality.It can take up to  week (edit: I'm hearing 3-4 days) before you test positive though, following exposure, right? Trump company testing positive and being symptomatic indicates that they were exposed many days (or weeks?) ago as. BUY IT:  Official kane brown logo t-shirt

Perfect qube cable tv t-shirt

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Of the pack with most of them. Euros just don't seem  big the US is, so they get Big Number Syndrome when they see our stats. The UK is doing terribly, though England seems to be doing the worst within the UK itself.The ‘big number’ syndrome can be addressed . By using a thing called percentages - we have them here in Europe too. Basically you take a number, compare it to another number, divide one over the other, multiply it by 100 and it gives you the proportion out of 100.I’m not considering anything for anything, you dumb demented little fuck. And still: Americans kicked the English out, and Wales and Scotland are the only remaining colonies of Englandsd. BUY IT:  Perfect qube cable tv t-shirt

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Parrot his lame nicknames he makes up for people and all dress in the asshole MAGA and USA uniform. Perhaps look in a mirror. Why don’t you go back to posting about your genital  outbreak? Nasty dude, no wonder you’re so angry. I would be too if I was stupid enough to get herpes. That's what people in england said about the SNP 15 years ago. Conservatives have never had much appeal outside of the most rural areas and people are enthusiastic about Labour/Libdems in Wales, they put english interests firstThe UK really has done horribly with Corona. A lot of Europe is heavily propagandized to believe that the US is doing horribly, but it's right in the middle a. BUY IT:  Original now is the time to make justice a reality for all dr martin luther king jr t-shirt

Premium today i drove through the suburbs t-shirt

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The media never reports anything good that happens to him. Keep getting fooled by shit I guess your happy with Biden the guy who said on national tv that we didn't need any more n words runni country.Well sometimes people as a whole evolve, just as people’s needs and countries evolve. As for your. Argument, I’ve been active duty for more than ten years. If I feel socialized healthcare is the best for me and the rest of the country, I will vote as such. If the majority of the country wants it, we vote in people that will make it happen, because of democracy. If you don’t like democracy, you can “move somewhere else”Yes we’re the sheeple. Not the idiots who pa. BUY IT:  Premium today i drove through the suburbs t-shirt

Pretty sweet older lady more like battle tested warrior redhead queen 2021 t-shirt

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Make money and all the people who don't understand economy won't understand but the fact that he has so many interests doesn't make him a bad businessman it makes him a smart one. Just think if this was you and not Trump you  businesses and 60 fail that means you have had 940 successful businesses.Anyone with a functioning . Brain can see that Donald Trump is objectively stupid. He’s thick as shit, incurious,doesn’t understand basic concepts, and is proudly ignorant. He’s actually so unbelievably stupid that even his supporters constantly have to concoct elaborate explanations for why he acts the way he does and says such stupid brainless quite something.Wel. BUY IT:  Pretty sweet older lady more like battle tested warrior redhead queen 2021 t-shirt

Good Black Smoke Matter vintage shirt

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Bit of release for me because live in a country and house where conservatives are just crazy, fact denying, liars who seem to created Republican, overseen by a Republican, lead by a Republican and redacted by a Republican is obviously a hit job Democrats. But I can’t just scream “no it isn’t MOM!) people think Trump is stupid because the liberal. Run media tells them he is. They say he is a bad business man because he has had failed businesses.reality is all businessmen and women have had failed businesses the only reason you know about his is because he has had tv shows and 3x as many interviews as the rest of the business owners. You have to try things too. BUY IT:  Good Black Smoke Matter vintage shirt

Top Ask Me Where I Got My Leggins T-Shirt

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To be in an incredibly vunerable position realistically. Your letting emotion get in the way, this is a very different election than 2016.During 2016 I saw signs. And during 2012 I saw a spattering of Obama but nothing like what I'm seeing now. I realize it's anecdotal,you see more Biden signs in 6 blocks in suburbia than you do for Trump in 60 miles in rural areas. That's unique.Trump didn’t even get the majority vote in 2016, if the system in the US made any sense he should never have been president in the first place. So it’s very fucking bold bordering on delusional to say Trump will walk this one, especially when he’s polling badly behind Biden.It was a. BUY IT:  Top Ask Me Where I Got My Leggins T-Shirt

Good we rise together 2021 t-shirt

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One where you allow Trump to live rent free. Get a life.So, what does  have to do to be impeached? Lying, cheating, being a russian puppet, voting fraud, (almost) causing a uprising, calling nazis "very good people", being an enemy of democracy, being an enemy of free press, "fake news", "alternative facts", changing staffers like other people change their underwear, being a narcissist.  Egomaniac and generally an awful person didn't do it for Trump. So.... Why exactly should Biden be impeached?I think your confidence is unfounded, not just because of that but because of multiple indicators both anecdotal and factual. It's not in the bag, in fact Trump looks. BUY IT:  Good we rise together 2021 t-shirt

Nice flamingo i found this in my pocket it’s for you shirt

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Big names. Your standard American doesnt pay much attention to the world outside of the US unless it heavily involves us. Reason being though is they dont really need to as a lot of the world revolves around and relies on us so we dont have to worry what someone is doing halfway across the world.I think I have figured it out— all the trump bashers are just trying so hard to annoy those of us that aren’t with. All the incessant America hating and whining that we will just vote the way they want to shut them up. Here’s the question— who will the whiners and America haters take aim on next? Trump being out will leave a pretty big hole in that brain of yours— to. BUY IT:  Nice flamingo i found this in my pocket it’s for you shirt

Funny Don’t Tweet At Croots 2021 T-Shirt

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Thanks Wales.Biden is not a brag worthy president either. We are just going in circles here. If we want actual change, we need to support candidates like Jorgensen. Who is on all 50 state ballets by the way.The Biden Green Deal is going to be so good for America! A commitment to no more fracking, more government regulations on anything that increases the carbon footprint, more stable government jobs and more investment into green. Infrastructure for only 2 trillion dollars.If you asked Americans where Wales is, Id argue 95% of them wouldnt be able to tell you or even point in the general area on a world map. Hell, that would be the case forcountries that are. BUY IT:  Funny Don’t Tweet At Croots 2021 T-Shirt

Pretty Bulldog Happy 2021 T Shirt

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In particular has gone way too far over the top in dealing with corona virus.I was told when I lived in Finland I needed an  colonoscopy, I moved back to the UK 2 days before my appointment to avoid being stuck in Finland and missed it. So I called  doctor in Wales, it has been 7 months and all i've been told is to be careful of my diet, meanwhile my health is detoriorating, my symptoms are getting worse and i'm in constant pain, my issue could be . Simple tablets which I will need to take for the rest of my life but now because of the 6 months where the UK has failed to treat me due to coronavirus I may need part of my intestine removed and a colonoscopy ba. BUY IT:  Pretty Bulldog Happy 2021 T Shirt

Perfect Buffao Bills Wear Hat 2021 T-Shirt

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Mostly spread out across the country.Tbh I don't know we're acting like Wales is perfict right now. I'm living in Wales in a lock down area and lemme just tell you most people are acting like there's no pandemic at all. Seriously 'lockdown' means not to leave your county, that's it. Pubs are still open, schools are still open and non essential shops. It's a fucking joke here, but I guess it ain't much better then England.People of Wales also know that not being able to visit.  A doctor has lead to deaths too, if you suspect you have a cancerous lump you can't get it paracetamols need teeth removed, or tablets when you have symptoms of diabetis. The UK and Wa. BUY IT:  Perfect Buffao Bills Wear Hat 2021 T-Shirt