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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2020

Pretty Nobody Listens To Turtle Shirt

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To which I replied "but I need MY passport to get Back into the US." End of discussion.  I know an ex-pat living in Mexico who retired very early on modest savings. I also have 2 former coworkers who live in San Luis Potosi and love it there. Tacos are my favorite food. Not a bad idea really. Just gotta wait for the old' Corona to blow over. If Trump stays in office it won't be for 4 years. Trump wants to be a dictator like Putin, Kim Jong Un. Those are the only leaders he respects. I went to London last year for work and the number of Trump supporters over there was mind-blowing. Cabbies definitely like him. I fail to see how a racist country freed slaves a. BUY IT:  Pretty Nobody Listens To Turtle Shirt

Nice Just One More Rep Vintage Retro Shirt

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Is a racist hole. I was born in England and my family eventually emigrated to the USA. When I became a US Citizen years later, part of the Oath of Allegiance is the renunciation of all previous allegiances. I see a conflict here. Although I did manage to avoid some things I did not want to do by not being a US Citizen during my first year as a Marine. Practically every weekend a bunch of people would go down to Tijuana, Mexico. And always wanted be into coming also. Would not accept "not interested". So I resorted to "I can't because I don't have my passport with me" (true at the time.) Their reply was that I don't need one to get into Mexico (also true that. BUY IT:  Nice Just One More Rep Vintage Retro Shirt

Funny Never Underestimate The Importance Of A Good Poop Shirt

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Worked in the UK for a couple of weeks doing a machine installation at a previous job, and I remember them having very strict safety standards which I appreciated. Doesn't that mean America is still a racist shithole even if someone else wins? I mean it's not like all the problems are just going to disappear right?  It isn't as simple as that, I'm assuming you don't have a British passport for a start and have never lived in the UK, from that I am assuming you weren't born here either. I do still have to apply, and I'm sure that's a long and tedious process. But from what I've read, I should be entitled to citizenship thanks to my dad. Curious how the countr. BUY IT:  Funny Never Underestimate The Importance Of A Good Poop Shirt

Official Skull Plant Daddy Vintage Retro Shirt

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We have the highest pay for factory workers, 4 weeks of unpaid shutdown. And 3 weeks of paid vacation to start, plus another 3 days of sick pay and 3 days I can use whenever I want. Well, I work in the public sector so I get a little more than the average. I get 6 weeks paid leave, all the public holidays on top, sick. I’m not sure but it might be a good few months paid if you have a bad illness or operation  But yearly for me, you can take up 9 days paid sick before you would get a first stage warning about attendance I’ve never had one in 15 years. the hat is a fantastic deal you have there. It's almost as if the UK treats its workers like human beings. Is. BUY IT:  Official Skull Plant Daddy Vintage Retro Shirt

Original Here For Good Yeg Small Business Shirt

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Americans for thinking differently when they watch UK football games. And the entire stadium is chanting racist remarks at the black players on the other team lol. I know racism is a thing here, and some things need to change (and if you're going to find racism anywhere. Come to the UK, most of the time you can ignore the absolute state of the Tory party. And least when you come here and if you decide to work here, you will have the benefit of more paid annual leave with state holidays on top, parental leave, Nhs, etc.  How much paid leave are you talking about? I just started a new job that most would consider one of the better jobs in manufacturing in area. BUY IT:  Original Here For Good Yeg Small Business Shirt

Nice Things I Do In My Spare Time Chicken Animal Farm Shirt

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It will be before the worst happens. I mean, Britain was never governed by a fascist, but they spent several years being bombed to hell by one. Also, they're a monarchy, they've absolutely been governed by totalitarians. It just ended up working out really well for them. As a person of color who vacations in the UK every year, and has done so for many years, I can adamantly tell you I much prefer the UK over the US...Though they are both racist shit holes. That's saying a lot about that US. As a person of color that lives in the UK, I don't think it's a racist shit hole. Afaik the UK is one of the less racist countries (in Europe at least). You can forgive a. BUY IT:  Nice Things I Do In My Spare Time Chicken Animal Farm Shirt

Good An Arrow May Have Your Name On It But A Fireball Is Addressed To Whom It May Concern Vintage Shirt

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Cross the pond. It's scary how similar boy countries are and quickly they fell to fear. Let's hope they both get back up and can repair.  They will don't worry. The US and the UK are similar in a very crucial way, and that is that both were lucky enough and, ironically, unlucky enough, to have never experienced fascism/totalitarianism. I'm not saying Trump or Johnson are necessarily fascists/totalitarians, but in countries where that has happened before, people tend to be wary of certain politicians and parties. It's very hard to see yourself falling into those holes if you have never before, but people in the US and the UK will eventually learn. Hopefullyes. BUY IT:  Good An Arrow May Have Your Name On It But A Fireball Is Addressed To Whom It May Concern Vintage Shirt

Pretty Yes They Are All Mine Shirt

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Need to suck up to the EU a bit more and things will be a bit better than of late. But in that case, you probably won’t need to come. Either way, hope you find a home.  Been to England afternoon tea means dinner! In America, we'd think " afternoon tea " means hot tea during the afternoon. But that's not what it is at all in England. Its food in the afternoon, it comes with tea. The UK might be worse off now... At least there's hope that the Democrats will take the majority of the house, the senate, and the oval. Britain's just elected Johnson last year and they'll have him for another 3 years while the conservative party is seemingly more popular than ever a. BUY IT:  Pretty Yes They Are All Mine Shirt

Hot Strength Shirt

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The UK. Curious how you only recently discovered this? Could I secretly be British as well at not know it? Since my late father was a British citizen, born in England, I also have citizenship. He didn't know this, apparently. I think he would have told me if he did I came across the citizenship information when my wife and I did what all non-conservatives have been doing lately - searching for all the countries that are easiest to gain citizenship. Come on over you are welcome. The thing is if, Trump wins Jonson will be emboldened to act more like a xenophobic tosspot and pursue right-wing policies tearing the fabric of our society. If Biden wins Jonson will. BUY IT:  Hot Strength Shirt

Top Back Cat Kill Corona What I Hate Viruses Shirt

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And who has all of the education in each of those topics while also having the real-world experience needed to be empathetic with the worst off. We have to have a system that takes the relative lack of information on the part of every single voter into account. While I agree with much of what you said, education as a variable is correlated with voting. For more liberal policies and candidates while lack of education is correlated with the reverse. I recently found out I'm a dual citizen; American and British. I was like "sweet, I can get out of this racist shithole country if we get another 4 years of Trump" but then I quickly remembered what's happening ins. BUY IT:  Top Back Cat Kill Corona What I Hate Viruses Shirt

Funny Never Mistake My Kindness For Weakness The Beast Inside Me Is Sleeping Not Dead Shirt

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Boris Johnson. We need an educated electorate and complete electoral reform. An educated electorate is a pipe dream, and a naive one at that, for one primary reason: everyone would need to be educated identically. Educated voters voted for President Trump just as they did for Brexit and PM Johnson.  The problem is that every issue a voter needs to be educated on... Is an issue that some people spend decades learning about and still get wrong.  How 'a rising tide lifts all boats' and all that would only help America... Wasn't strictly speaking correctly. Education, foreign policy, economics, conservation, energy, defense and war, domestic and foreign trade an. BUY IT:  Funny Never Mistake My Kindness For Weakness The Beast Inside Me Is Sleeping Not Dead Shirt

Good Turtles And Wine Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt

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Government isn't going to step in to stop a State from saying you can only get an abortion in the first two weeks of pregnancy. They are also going to elect judges to the Supreme Court that if this issue comes up they will ignore the entire point of Roe V Wade. I brought the issue up because it's a good example of people choosing a party on a single or a small number of issues on their platform. I didn't bring it up because I wanted to see everyone's hot take. It's almost like, and hear me out, you should have more than two parties so that those nuances in belief can be addressed. The UK had a multi-party system and they still ended up with Brexit and theres. BUY IT:  Good Turtles And Wine Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt

Original I Feel Targeted Shirt

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cult following and a big enough base. I think it does answer part of the OPs question. Side note: I'm not advocating for Pro-Life. I'm sorry you got such an anti-Pro-Life boner you need to say something about how stupid it is anytime someone brings it up. I get it, it's stupid the government feels like it needs to regulate the issue. I get that term Pro-Life is hypocritical since after the baby is born most Pro-lifers don't give a \about it. I do understand that Roe v. Wade can't be overturned and it's mostly up to States how to handle that. However, that doesn't stop a federal government from having a certain amount of over a.A Republican-controlled federal. BUY IT:  Original I Feel Targeted Shirt

Top Sorry 2020 You Are On Santas Naughty List Shirt

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Only vote based on a single issue. I think that can boil down most of what I'm saying. I think most people do make decisions on a few issues and then just agree to the rest. Someone pointed this out as Wedge Issues which I think is a wonderful term everyone should learn about. However, this is just based on the people I talk to in the Midwest. Friends and Family, college-educated and HS dropouts, retired and just entering the workforce, living comfortably and those below the poverty line Completely personal experience and I'm by no means a political expert nor have a studied the hard stats. I don't think this is the only reason people vote for Trump. He have. BUY IT:  Top Sorry 2020 You Are On Santas Naughty List Shirt

Hot Feliz Navidad Ugly Merry Christmas Shirt

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Amount of similar replies I'm getting on this I'm going to share some common responses. But the main reason they vote Republican is they value life at conception and any vote for a democrat threatens that in their eyes. You can do the same for the democratic party. Plenty of people support its push for more accessible healthcare but don't like gun control proposals. Others might be pro-life but not as focused on that as they are on economic reforms. Basically, the average citizen picks key issues and either compromise explains away or adopts the other stances of the party that supports them. This has been described as single-issue voting. Meaning people when. BUY IT:  Hot Feliz Navidad Ugly Merry Christmas Shirt

Premium Eat Cheese Hail Satan Shirt

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Like this. Their opinion means nothing because their lifestyle has no common ground with mine. Most people only have a few issues they actually care about. Like Abortion, gun control, diversity, the economy, or healthcare. They tend to vote for the party they think fits them best on one or two policies. They might not agree on the others but value their one or two reasons more than them. The easiest one to see for this is probably abortion. Plenty of people that are ProLife don't give about Trickle down or supply-side economics. They might pick up those beliefs because pro-life candidates do and they trust their opinion. In a vain attempt to cut down on that. BUY IT:  Premium Eat Cheese Hail Satan Shirt

Premium Healthcare 2020 Quarantine Shirt

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Endorse Trump. It's just that they're always blisters whose careers peaked like 30 years ago. James Woods? Scott Bao People's reaction is basically. Instead of complaining about what others are doing, why don't you name the CURRENT celebrities that are enthusiastically embracing Trump? I mean it sounds like we've overlooked a whole bunch of people according to you. I take 0 input about my life from celebrities. They do not live the life of any typical person in any country. It’s the same with billionaires. What their opinion is about politics are should have no bearing on 99% of anyone who reads this. I will never understand why people would listen to people. BUY IT:  Premium Healthcare 2020 Quarantine Shirt

Official Sloth Zum Schlafen Geboren Zum Arbeiten Gezwungen Shirt

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Both sides. Bill Clinton got kicked out for a blowjob. Nowadays. Well, I'll leave it there.  Doesn't matter. Trump desperately wanted this to be a choice election, but he failed and it's a referendum on him. Biden could be any of the other candidates from the primaries and the result would probably be the same. Yes, I really care about [hollywood actor's] political opinion, when it's safe to be a Democrat and dangerous to be anything else. The current president is literally a reality TV star, yet you care about his opinions after he demonstrated time after time he literally knows nothing about government, healthcare, policies, etc.? People DO post celebritie. BUY IT:  Official Sloth Zum Schlafen Geboren Zum Arbeiten Gezwungen Shirt

Nice Harry Style Fine Line Heart Shirt

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Means he doesn’t need to be in the WWE. I hear the Marvel universe pays well. But, are least this time, there are a few celebrities that the Trump supporters have aligned within the last few years who have come out supporting Biden, let's hope that helps move the needle. If there's one thing Trump has done that's good for this country, it's getting a lot more people to get active in politics and to vote. In 2016, about 138 million people voted. And, as of now, already 58.7 million people have voted, and that's just people who went early. Although.. As a side effect of this, politics have become a lot more divisive, and given politicians much more immunity,on. BUY IT:  Nice Harry Style Fine Line Heart Shirt

Good Beverly Hills Club Shirt

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Are already under the impression that a mainstream conspiracy is out to get them. I just hope it isn’t fuel for a civil war. I’m having flashbacks to when the celebrity hoard supported Hillary Clinton much to the delight of the Trump crowd. I like Bautista, but tbh we need more American’s supporting Biden than celebrity endorsements.  Apparently, his opinion is markedly less important than some rando barely making 5-digits in Nebraska. This is great, but if I recall this time in 2016, every single celebrity was coming out in support of Hilary, and it didn't have a great deal of influence over the Trump crowd. I think being in Guardians the Galaxy pretty much. BUY IT:  Good Beverly Hills Club Shirt

Top Every Lie Will Be Revealed Tee Shirt

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Has personal bodyguards with FULL AUTO so I believe he should shut his mouth about the 2A. Interesting take on height and the desire to own a gun. I didn't consider how unsafe short people must feel. I'd love to see statistics on NRA member heights compared to the national average. Then those dudes who specialize in birds who said wind turbines don’t actually kill all the birds. Have to pay them off too. Then trumps former lawyer. Lol. Have to pay him off. Then his former business partners. You know. The ones who said he’s a who didn’t pay them. It’s amazing that these celebrities are coming out and supporting politics. I wonder how that affects the right we. BUY IT:  Top Every Lie Will Be Revealed Tee Shirt

Pretty Chicago Peanut Punch Shirt

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For it because that’s what his supporters want. Pointing out he’s a bully will just give his voters a hard-on. Usually, those that do hate this don't complain When the A-List of Kid Rock, Scott Baio, Bo Derek, Wayne Newton, Stacy Dash, and others do it on the conservative side.  How can anyone seriously defend and support Biden anymore? Why is the media not talking about the information found on Hunter Biden's laptop? Reddit is okay with circulating exaggerated articles about Trump but the moment information is leaked confirming that Joe Biden is a fucking liar, the media is silent? Fuck Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and big tech. Not everyone is 7 FOOT tall an. BUY IT:  Pretty Chicago Peanut Punch Shirt

Original 2020 Is Acting Like A Year That Wasn’t Raised Right Shirt

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Trump loves when people do this, it lends him credibility. Deep down nobody really respects a bully. They might fear them, and they might even think it’s funny when they pick on some wimps, but they are never respected. At the end of the day, there are a lot of people who decide to like Trump for all sorts of stupid reasons, but there aren’t enough who respect him to win re-election and it’s precisely because of the reasons Batista describes I mean yeah he’s a bully. I don’t get why people say this as a bad thing when he brags about it lmao. I’m pretty sure the average trump supporter loves him being a bully. He can mock a disabled reporter and get applauded. BUY IT:  Original 2020 Is Acting Like A Year That Wasn’t Raised Right Shirt

Perfect I Make Mommy Moves Shirt

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You want and good luck to you! I mean the poles would have to be so insanely broken for Biden to lose. At least in the 2016 election, there was a margin of error but this time it’s completely out of the margin of error. Even my ultra-conservative dad has decided not to vote because he doesn’t like trump being racist. If Trump does win again the polling industry is done. I don't think it is - I think Trump pulled an inside straight last time and he's doing worse now.  Trump views this as a compliment they still don’t get it. Bautista a manly man calling Trump a bully means he thinks. Trump is powerful and diligent enough to bully others and he’s in control an. BUY IT:  Perfect I Make Mommy Moves Shirt

Awesome Trust Me I'm A Doctor Shirt

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Lord and savior? Those were the good ole days. I get why folks say this about Trump with the Epstein connection and over 20 women claiming sexual assault. Biden is center-right, trump is far right. Would love to see true progressives at the helm, but America disagrees. Not sure how disliking Trump/Biden makes one an "enlightened centrist." I'm pretty far left and don't like either of them. Did he ever speak up in defense of his co-star Chris Pratt when some vocal rage mobs were trying to cancel him That would make me care more about what he has to say. The reason why I said you wrong because I’m assuming you never work for the government! You support anybody. BUY IT:  Awesome Trust Me I'm A Doctor Shirt

Funny Santa And Sloth Reindeer The Night Before Christmas Shirt

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Tually be examined by society It’s easy to make money from China! 10!percent for the big guy. It’s easy to talk about banning fracking and fossil fuels with no alternative. Yep. Actors should act not to tell us who to vote for. Why all these “celebrities” endorsing this or that candidate? I never really understood. What crazy times we are living ... I love that this sub is so biased that it’s not even shy about directly plugging Biden. But if someone tries to post pro-Trump content it will never see the light of day. Hive mind at its finest right here.Do y’all even remember 6 months ago when y’all weren’t vehemently opposed to Biden and thought Bernie a your. BUY IT:  Funny Santa And Sloth Reindeer The Night Before Christmas Shirt

Good Merry And Bright Pitbull Dog Ugly Christmas Shirt

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Trump on the other hand “we will have a healthcare plan very soon and it will be tremendous”.   What did Trump do to create jobs or grow the economy? Because by any metrics Obama was doing it at a faster rate. When he was in office and Trump just inherited that until a pandemic hit us that he had no plan for and ignored. Hell, one could argue Trump has absolutely no policies and just says “Jobs!” And his supporters act like Trump did something to create jobs. You guys are really spoiling Biden, just like loving parents that ignore all your dear child's problems and lies. As parents, you should know that you can't protect Biden forever. All his deed will even. BUY IT:  Good Merry And Bright Pitbull Dog Ugly Christmas Shirt

Nice Grinc Santa Resting Grinc Face Shirt

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Figher taxes discourage earning money. You are imagining a problem that you won’t even need to worry about. They don’t care about you & their lifestyle won’t change in any meaningful way They will still probably just give more charitable donations to offset the increase via write-offs. In case you didn’t know, famous people have been influencing others’ political beliefs all of the time. Every single profession that involves fame... Authors, artists, musicians, actors, scientists, business people, athletes... That last one probably less than the others, but all of them and more, have had political influence. Biden lays out and talks about policies all a time. BUY IT:  Nice Grinc Santa Resting Grinc Face Shirt

Official Happy Hockey Days Ice Hockey Christmas Tree Christmas Shirt

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Form of government assistance with affordable health care and infrastructure among other things. The ultra-wealthy are dragons, sitting on a pile of gold. They make their money at the expense of the rest of us, and say “just work harder.”  You're missing my point, no one would want to be a millionaire if they ended up giving half of it away and people don't have to make more than 400k a year to not give a shit about people, anyone can do that we just shouldn't be taken money from the people who worked their asses off for it just to have the government take most of it away. On top of it not being a 50% income tax, only a 2.6% increase, there’s NO EVIDENCE tha. BUY IT:  Official Happy Hockey Days Ice Hockey Christmas Tree Christmas Shirt

Funny Pontoon Boat Christmas Vintage Shirt

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Severely disagree with his political opinion because all the things Biden would make free would just screw us in the long run because that money is coming out of Bautista's pocket and everyone else's. Discourage people from being successful? Trickle-down economics is bunk, study up on tax rates in the rest of the world That’s not going to stop people from making money, there’s no evidence of that happening in any other place where tax rates are higher. Nobody needs to make more than 400k a year, any average person would be overjoyed to make half of that. The tax raise specifically would make the people who earn millions and billions share their wealth in the. BUY IT:  Funny Pontoon Boat Christmas Vintage Shirt

Premium Trust Me Im A Doctor Shirt

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And, since they are wealthy, be good with their money, unlike Trump. Biden's tax plan would make him and all the other successful people that make over 400k a year pay 60% more in taxes so yeah he's done well for himself but Biden would discourage other people from being successful because they don't want to get a promotion just to be worse off than they were before.  Its funny people say that hate taxes but when they hear about a president cutting taxes? "Oh I hate him" and a dude who has been in government for 47 years and accomplished nothing. And says he'll raise everybody's taxes? "Oh, a better choice than trump" I'm sure Dave Bautista  great guy I just. BUY IT:  Premium Trust Me Im A Doctor Shirt

Great Lawyer I Can’t Fix Stupid But I Can Fix What Stupid Does Vintage Shirt

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Re people than I and hes using it. I'd be madder if he kept his mouth quiet. What does it mean to have a platform though? Like I said I don’t think anyone is getting their political opinions from Dave Bautista. This is the top post on r/all. How many people do you think he swayed? This discredits any painter or author throughout all of mankind who’s ever created politically based artwork. Ayn Rand, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Kahlo, Orwell, Dickens, all they’ve done is write fiction and illusions with color, so they’ve lied to us. But they’ve shaped political viewpoints for decades and/or centuries. They absolutely do matter. We expect them to make good decisiones. BUY IT:  Great Lawyer I Can’t Fix Stupid But I Can Fix What Stupid Does Vintage Shirt

Official Jesus Spares Bowling Vintage Retro Shirt

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Platform to do some good and has used it. Sorry, not sorry orange gonzo has the tide turning against him. Regardless of what your political stance is (pretend this is the 2024 election. The concept of being swayed politically by entertainers/athletes. Who are often undereducated and out of touch. Is silly. And I think the reality is that no one is really being swayed by this. Because the list of entertainers with that sort of power is very short. He’s a B list actor and former wrestler, the reality is no one who wasn’t already voting for Biden cares about this.  So is the majority of people on Earth, including probably you or I. He has a platform to reach mo. BUY IT:  Official Jesus Spares Bowling Vintage Retro Shirt

Cute I Like Wine And Rowing And Maybe 3 People Vintage Retro Shirt

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Now if you're saying this in general as a counter to any entertainment figure wading into politics, I can agree, some people will follow what the famous person says is right, not really thinking about the deeper elements. Though I suspect you're saying this cuz he's against your side, who elected a literal reality TV persona, the most inauthentic form of entertainer. At least with most movie stars, it's clear where the character and the person separate, with reality TV, the whole point is to be fake on and off-screen. He's saying what needs to be said, and he's not wrongIs his opinion more valid than anyone else's? No. No one is saying it is. But he has aren. BUY IT:  Cute I Like Wine And Rowing And Maybe 3 People Vintage Retro Shirt

Cute I Like To Party And By Party I Mean Stay Home And Read Books Shirt

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Has to pay off over a hundred million gun owners that all refuse to hand over anything. Registration is just a means of confiscation. Look at California's system, people who made mistakes when registering had their guns confiscated after California closed the window. Look at New Zealand confiscating guns. Canada is up next. New York has sent letters to people saying their registered guns are now illegal in NY. Registering a gun doesn't prevent any crime. A criminal doesn't kill someone because the gun is registered. They use a stolen gun. The person who had their gun stolen is not guilty of a crime. So what did the registration do? Nothing dropped his gun on.  BUY IT:  Cute I Like To Party And By Party I Mean Stay Home And Read Books Shirt

Beautiful I Brake For Dragon Bumper Shirt

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But believe anyone who opposes their specific levels to be anti American.  Guns should not be restricted. Once you’re an adult, you should be allowed to own guns. Including felons, once they’re out of prison. All gun laws are infringements. By this logic, you have to support people with mental health problems by buying LMGs and carrying them around schools. You should be able to see that somewhere a line has to be drawn. And what happens when I refuse to give my gun to the government? What happens then? Oh, yea, they throw me in prison for years and I become a felon. I don't see how this could possibly fail and result in economic collapse as the government a. BUY IT:  Beautiful I Brake For Dragon Bumper Shirt

Pretty Goat Goats Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirt

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Something Trump is not doing. Trump was wrong with his comments about red flags and bump stocks. But Biden/Harris/Robert Francis wants to confiscate them all. And no amount of lying and misdirecting is going to change that. A buyback is not confiscation, it's a tool to reduce the number of weapons safely. And do you support registration at any level or do you think guns should be free for all with no restrictions? Any reasonable person can understand you need some level of registration on guns and at that point, you are just debating what level of it. I find everyone who claims to pro 2a is disingenuous because they all support some sort of law restricting i. BUY IT:  Pretty Goat Goats Make Me Happy You Not So Much Shirt

Good Gardening Is The Slowest Of The Performing Arts Vintage Retro Shirt

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He wants to buy back “assault weapons” which aren’t a real thing. Ban people from buying ammo online. And he’s pro “red flag” law which is extremely dangerous. If you think swatting is dangerous, you should be against red flag laws. Oh and that’s all on his website.  Why is your defense of Biden to point the finger at Trump? This entire thread is about people lying that Biden is pro 2A, which is a flat out lie. Because no one can define what pro 2a actually means and to c on aim Biden isn't pro 2a as an argument against him logically follows you must be claiming trump is. Trump is incompetent. But Biden is actively working towards registration and confiscati. BUY IT:  Good Gardening Is The Slowest Of The Performing Arts Vintage Retro Shirt

Love Der Fallschirm Regiment Kappe Abzeichen Herren 1 2 3 4 Shirt

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Boviously lives in fairytale land. Joe why don't we have cops just shoot the trigger finger or shoot the gun out of the robber's hand!! Fiddlesticks! Malarky!! Literally. I haven't heard Biden bring up the second amendment once. I don't think it's even an issue this election cycle. In the Democratic debates, he said he wants to ban the number of “clips” you can put into a gun. And he said 150,000,000 lives have been lost due to gun violence. I’m not surprised it wasn’t brought up in the debates though. It can only make him lose votes. I don’t think any Trump supporters would switch to vote Biden if they found out his stance on guns, bf. Literally, he’s notre. BUY IT:  Love Der Fallschirm Regiment Kappe Abzeichen Herren 1 2 3 4 Shirt

Top Criminal Minds Merch Criminal Minds Mrs Spencer Reid Holiday Ugly Shirt

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Floor. I’m from a literal third world country and such an occurrence would not be something you’d ever read about in the news because we’re not so stupid as to trust in the inherent benevolence of man. You seem very anti-gun. So why do you care what Trump said? Are you aware of the context of that quote? He’s referring to obviously crazy people like the Parkland shooter.  He never followed through with that which is good but I don’t see why all these left-wing people in this comment section are acting like it’s a horrible thing when it seems like it would be something they would like. Biden has recommended shooting people in the leg multiple times now. He ob. BUY IT:  Top Criminal Minds Merch Criminal Minds Mrs Spencer Reid Holiday Ugly Shirt

Perfect Belo Horizonte Mg Tram Shirt Store Sportswear Shirt

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About taxes, you are so fat you probably can't even work an office job". Because you know that is just what he does. Definitely wasn't a response to a guy asserting he wasn't physically fit for office. Just typical Joe showing off his guns. We can only hope. Would be great for America to join the realm of civilized nations with sane gun laws. Allowing any Tom, Dick & Harry to buy a gun is a recipe for disaster - as evidenced by your constant school shootings, which seem to have become an American tradition á la Halloween or Christmas I read an article today about a toddler who shot themselves in the head, in Texas, after a family member dropped his gun on to. BUY IT:  Perfect Belo Horizonte Mg Tram Shirt Store Sportswear Shirt

Hot An Arrow May Have Your Name On It Fireball To Whom It May Concern Vintage Retro Shirt

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But why would I care what some celeb thinks. Considering Republicans have elected a movie star and a reality show host, I’d say celebrities have been injected into politics whether we like it or not. Honestly, who cares what you think, just kidding. But celebrities have a major influence on people, especially if you grew up watching them and they had a major impact on your life. Biden literally called an American citizen fat and challenged him to a Push-Up contest for asking him a question.  Yeah it was just a question, the guy asked him "what is your tax plan" and Biden, as he typically does slam a brewski and started doing push-ups saying, "what do you now. BUY IT:  Hot An Arrow May Have Your Name On It Fireball To Whom It May Concern Vintage Retro Shirt

Pretty Skull Best Effin Husband Ever Shirt

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More or less the same personality, not sure if Stone is a rapist also, but they are very close. Check out Stones' unhinged deposition on it. Just puke out defiant vitriol and insults with no substance. I wish celebrities would do this sooner. If someone’s decision is influenced by him and his recent endorsement. There’s a possibility it’s too late for them to vote depending on where they are or their personal situations. I appreciate people declaring their political standings. But, quite honestly, these people should have made their opinions know before mail-in voting kicked in. Honestly, who gives a shit who a celebrity endorses. I don't like Trump eitheres. BUY IT:  Pretty Skull Best Effin Husband Ever Shirt

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Or maybe it's because they see something in him that you just completely refuse to acknowledge even exists because you've spent so much time and energy putting your support behind a man that does not care about you at all. As a small business owner of a farm, I was planning on voting for Trump. But a celebrity-endorsed Biden? As a small business owner of a farm, I was planning on voting for Trump. But a celebrity-endorsed Biden? These people are just so completely out of touch, they're jealous that Donald Trump actually means something! I'm glad there's some out there offsetting the obsession so many in MMA have with pumping Trump. I think Trump and Stone ha. BUY IT:  Funny United States Space Force Department Of The Air Force Shirt

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Read the news. They get some impressions and here and see the same as the rest of us. The dilemma for people is should they voice their opinions and meanings.But just like the rest of us, they are only humans and we all have an urge to voice ourselves when we dislike something. So in my opinion as private persons they have the same right as the rest of us they speak out and say their meanings when they feel for it. They really should include a picture of him in the article. A black backdrop with "Stuber" written on it isn't very informative about who he is. So about a year or two ago, a wrestler named Daniel Bryan was the WWE Champion. Bryan in real life its. BUY IT:  Great Yes I Am Single But Are You Sure You Can Complete With My House Shirt

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Of those things, but surely he didn't say one right after the other. He’s technically not wrong it is partly China’s fault because they handled the outbreak poorly, BUT trump is ALSO to blame because he handled the situation just as bad if not worse than them. That’s not what he said. He said it’s chinas fault it came here. Nice job taking major details out of the quote. Is it China’s fault for how Trump handled the virus when it was in the States? Why don’t you write out the major detail of what question Trump was asked when he gave this answer? That’s not what I’m arguing. Trump did not say it’s chinas fault for how trump handled it. Trump said that it’s a. BUY IT:  Awesome Goodbye 2020 Toilet Paper Hello 2021 Mask Vaccine T-Shirt

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Case, he looks like an idiot. Biden literally said, "I don't care about the color of the state. Red states are doing worse". Oh, he said it was China’s fault a few times from what I’ve heard. Seriously, Trump. Yes, this is correct. Responsibility and fault are two different things. It's a child's fault that they made a mess, but it's the parent's responsibility to clean it up.He said that he takes responsibility but not for it getting here because China brought it here. But you can spin it how you want. That's not the actual quote, no need to misrepresent it, that just allows Trump supporters to dismiss the otherwise valid criticism. I remember him saying by. BUY IT:  Nice New Year 2021 Hello Eve Goodbye 2020 Pajama Family Shirt

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Saying, “The word ‘but’ means ‘forget everything I just said.’” They do this so they can clip specific statements and leave things out of context but also have a way out. Seems like he tried to admit fault but his brain literally wouldn’t let him. Also, remember this "should have never been allowed to happen". Like some magical human has the power to allow a virus to spread. Joe Biden: this is the United States, no red states or blue states.. oh, but it's all red states' fault. All he had to do was order those responses properly but he failed. You literally cut out parts of what he "literally said". Play both sides so you always come out on top but in this a. BUY IT:  Hot Hamsters Make Me Happy You Not So Much Vintage Retro Shirt

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Orwell would be proud of that Double Speak. I remember him saying that he takes no responsibility...maybe a different talk. I know, like wtf? Does he just say so many lies and insane stuff as much as he can in 2 minutes so people won't know what the shit he's talking about? My god. Was watching, guess I missed this moment. Maybe we'll see a sound bite. You see, I'm playing both sides, so no matter who wins I come out on top. Take responsibility but still don't do anything about it.Trump should go on trial for crimes against humanity for his handling of Covid in the US. When he said, “I do take responsibility but China...,” I heard Dr. Phil’s voice in my head. BUY IT:  Top Michael Scott Santa’s Coming That’s What She Said Ugly Christmas Shirt

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Argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. Trump literally said: "I take responsibility. It's not my fault, it's China's fault". Playing both sides so he can both confirm and deny. You can never be wrong if you make no sense at all.Trump: I play bot. BUY IT:  Nice Derek Trendz Merch Shirt